Tuesday, May 26

the long way home

You know the (i think) Fleetwood Mac song long way home? Well, that's what happened last week. My Mom got us a membership at Costco just in time before the kittys ran out of the lamb and rice food I feed them.
My mom is personally responsible for the bulging tummys of 11 cats that I feed daily. I know, I have a soft spot for strays.

Since Costco is an hour away we decided we would all go and use the gift card that my Mom (I know, I know, she is great and you cannot have her...well, unless you are my sibling reading this or her husband, but I digress) gave us for this fancy shmancy movie theatre.

We had a blast in the comfort of the theatre and headed over to Costco which is truly amazing and would be even more amazing if I had more money! Which may be a bad thing because my house would be filled with totally useless things. So bully for me I couldn't buy one of everything.
So we got the kitty chow and other necessities in bulk like toilet paper and half & half for my coffee. You know, things a girl cannot live without and decided to head home a way I took before. Or did I?
We ended up taking a way home that was the long way home. It made a triangle from the regular way and lucky for us had a cut off to get us back on track. I guess God knew how much we needed an adventure to liven up our lives and give us one more crazy memory of laughs and dorky songs to sing on a rainy night cruising around Southwest Washington searching for home!

P.S. the kitties are so very happy.

P.S.S. the uptown bag is heading to Australia tomorrow (forgive me if I already said that but I am so excited!) and a gadget pouch is heading out to Ohio!
Yay! business is picking up. Thank you!


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