Friday, May 23

Fresh things....

Our town is starting a weekly Downtown Street Market....Tessa and I just decided to be vendors as of yesterday so we are tying up loose ends..literally and packing the van for in the morning.
Not sure if Tes will be able to go in the morning part of it..depends on how much better Sophie is feeling. The market will be every saturday...should be a consistent routine to get into as a family...creating and selling together.
I took a few of the projects I will be teaching the 6-11 year olds in the handsewing classes and bagged them up as Sewing Buddy Kits for kids.
BTW, Sophie isnt throwing up anymore and has actually taken a few bites of food and has color to her cheeks. Yay!! Makes this Mama's heartbeat slow down a bit.

I will get photos of the Market tomorrow..cant wait to share it with you.
Hope you are having a GREAT weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love our downtown market! i wish you well on your vendor adventure!