*Welcome fires in the wood-stove with a pot of water, vanilla and cloves scenting our home.
*Welcome warm cozy sweaters.
*Welcome the sound of rain drops on the roof lulling me to sleep at night and during the day reminding us to be thankful for the roof over our heads.
*Welcome the start of our home school for the year.
*Welcome having friends over to share a game night and munchies with. (this will be something new for my family)
*Welcome warm cozy sweaters.
*Welcome the start of our home school for the year.
I am feeling very thankful for my family today....near and far.
My mom has been such a support to me and I just wanted to acknowledge the emotional encouragement and other ways that she has encouraged me this past few weeks when I felt shaky.
Thanks Mom, I love you.
A lot of things have happened in my life recently from sad to exciting and I say
"what doesn't kill me will make me stronger".
Well, I really didn't say that but I sure am feeling it. :o)
**photos are from our family vacation out to see my Dad, Debbie and extended family on my Dad's side in New York last October....missing being there all over again.
1 comment:
You are such a blessing and such a wonderous person. I am so very PROUD to have you as my daughter and to know that you have traveled such a rough path to get where you are and I have faith in you and I know that you will accomplish so much for so many along your way. I am sorry that you have had the trials and tough times. I know they only make you that much stronger and like fire tempers metal....it makes you stronger. Please feel the love and hugs I am sending to you.....Mom
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