Tuesday, September 2

This day sure has been a potpourri of a day....

*found out on the church's email prayer requests that a young girl (9 years old) that was (hard to type that) the younger sister of one of the girls on Aliss's soccer team for 2 years died of Leukemia on Monday (yesterday). I could barely breathe when I read that today. I watched her get better and play with my girls on the sidelines at the soccer games and watched her get worse again...the last time I saw her was at the grocery store a few weeks ago.
No words for her family....lots of prayers though....

*too many errands to run earlier and took all of the kids. Not smart after feeling so emotional from Ronni dieing. Made the day seem l-o-n-g-e-r than ever.*have had a sick chicken in a laundry basket by the wood stove for the past two days. I think the Northern Red Mite has made her too weak to even walk around. Ironic that I am feeding a chicken, chicken broth. I dusted her with Food Grade Diatamaceous Earth today to kill the mites. I know, I know; chickens are farm animals and live and die but this specific chicken (who is a brown Aricana named Chocolate Twinkle) is Aliss's chicken. Aliss has had one cat die of feline leukemia, one cat ate the neighbors possum poison under their house and die and a rabbit that died.....she really doesn't need another animal to die-chicken or not.*been weed wacking under the fence line....seems we have grown a hedge of grass while I have been sewing. LOL

*did some online searching about my 14 year old dog...looks like he has topical yeast. I decided to treat him with giving him Primal Defense powder in his water, yogurt, beepollen granules, bone meal powder, sodium ascorbate (salt form of vitamin c), and adding a small amount of Bragg's apple cider vinegar to his bath water topically to de-acidify the yeast on his skin. I really don't want to put him to sleep if I don't have to. He does scratch himself and looks like some of the dogs I have seen online that after getting treated have grown fur back...I would love him to be able to grow older (he's already old LOL) gracefully.

then we had another cook out in the back yard....
can anybody say bedtime? I am tired....

good night

1 comment:

lori said...

GIRL..you sound tired...
get some rest and tomorrow is a new day...

that poor chicken...;)

hang in there!