Saturday, September 6

much better....

After the past couple of days today was a breath of fresh air. We walked to the annual Loggers Playday Parade. Hannah actually knows her birthday is getting closer when she sees signs going up across town telling the parade is drawing near.
The sun was out, the birds were chirping and candy was being thrown by the handful....the treat of a good parade. I love the bagpipe players, the kids love the candy and spotting friends on different's all good.

Happy weekend to you!


Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOhh.....My goodness |: What a sad-happy-sad-happy week for all of you. I know that trials build strengths BUT you are all going to Goliaths soon......bring on the Peace that passeth all understanding and a nice calm creek to bumble its' way over a few rocks and gravel bars with some gentle motion. At least you aren't having the pouring down, gotta stay in the house, grey skies overhead, wet grass, mud, and soaked everything to add to to it all! Yippee......the Loggers Playday!! What fun memories...
I am so sad to hear that the intensive care next to the woood stove didn't produce a great healing for Chocolate. Sorry Lyss. I hope things can be resolved for Meatball with all of your special diets and such. Also, not meaning to list it last but I am sorry to hear about the friend Ronni........sometimes those battles are lost when we least expect it and it is so much harder when it is a child (in my opinion).
Well, my sink of dirty dishes awaits me and my cup coffee with French Vanilla foofoo is gone sooooo I guess I am too. Love to all....keep your chins up and smiles on your faces.....XOXOXO Noodle

Lori said...

Sorry about your difficult week. Love the pictures!