let's talk single parenthood...
I know I just lost several of my readers in that phrase alone. I used to feel that way myself; that it doesn't pertain to me. I think differently now that I am in it. What we don't understand of someone else's life could really touch our own in unknown ways.
As in-- I may have been a bit more content in my life at the time if I had known more about a single mom's life before I actually had walked in it --just the difference of time management for instance alone, would have opened my eyes to how precious mine is.
As I sit here I am wrestling with a few things...
1. how will college classes affect my family life in the long term and how long of a term do I really want that to be?
*Yesterday I found out in my counseling appointment for this next quarters classes that counseling may not be a career I really want to attain. I love to encourage people and also to help them to see who they really are and not who life says they are but that may be something I do in a day to day walking out with people who cross my path in life.
To counsel in the way I had thought I was going to would take a masters degree and honestly, I don't want to be walking this college path for 6-7 years. I also dont want to cram classes to the detriment of my most precious possessions--my children. Thinking out loud to some other avenues that I may turn to instead.
so herein rests the balance questions....my heart is in my home. can single parents really find supporting jobs without a *degree*? Can they be creative sort of jobs? Do I want to get an associates in art instead and also learn the CAD program...is that a responsible choice considering the availability of jobs locally in that field?
Is your head spinning with ideas like mine yet? :o)
2. being a single parent doesn't leave a lot of room for taking chances....
*Tessa has asked several time why don't we open a lissilulu storefront? oh how I would love to devote myself to creating like some women online that I know. how that would feel sooooo good. I cannot take the chance...the time it takes is tremendous.
ALTHOUGH one thing I do want to do and would love input is to make some patterns for sale of some of my design. I would like to make a giddy-up skirt appliqué pattern and a few other appliqué patterns along the same lines for sale. I need resources for how to have a professional sleeve for it though.
I have had another crafty mama offer to show me how to make a pdf form of it for people to buy also.
so many ideas.
offhand, my final grades are B in English (with a very high expectations teacher), A in pre-algebra, and an A in my study skills class.
yeah for me with my first quarter grades!