Monday, July 21

slow, summer mornings...

Remember those carefree summer mornings of childhood where the whole day was yours starting with a slow morning? I loved hearing the delight in Sophie's voice as she called me to the deck to see how Hannah's cat, Tommy was sprawled out on her lap. The first thing Sophie did that morning was grab some blankets (I keep in the livingroom for snuggling) and drag them out to the deck for some slow waking up time.
The pool water should be warming up with the morning sun rays for children who anticipate a cool dip later (on days the sun peeks its head out) but alas, we cannot seem to find every small hole. Anyone know any tricks for tracking the holes down?Hannah hasn't gotten out of her p.j.'s yet and is already perusing the craft book she loves....girl after my own heart. She is the craft queen of all 8 year olds for sure.

We made an easy summer (or winter for that matter) soup tonight. start with chicken broth and boil, add potato chunks til you can smash them, shred in cheddar cheese and add some milk (we didnt have any so we added a dollop of sour cream for milkiness) and ham chunks.
would taste even better with corn but we were out of that too and tonight was the first night of Veggie Tales VBS and I was running too late to run to the store. Besides that it wasn't worth the gas to just go get corn...go figure.

1 comment:

Crescent said...

half fill a bath with water. inflate your pool and put into bath.
squeeze slowly, noting any bubbles that come - rotte adn continue - this way the air creates bubbles, helping you pinpoint
use bicycle repair kit as cheaper usually and lasts longer oo
hope this helps!